
Cast Break Down

(Click on a name to download sides and upload your audition)


Phylly: Early 20s to early 30s. Phylly is emotional, she is riddled with self doubt and low self esteem. She feels abandoned by her father because he divorced her mother and didn’t take her with him. She has a phenomenal singing voice, but lacks the confidence to be vulnerable and connect with her audience. ***REQUIRES SINGING***

Sandra: Late 30s to mid 40s. Sandra is a seasoned police officer who’s had her fair share of loss. She sees something worth redeeming in Phylly. She has her own tragedy to deal with in the loss of her teenage daughter.

Lance: Late 30s to Mid 40s. Lance is a successful real estate agent, he and Camilla were married until her drinking took a toll on their relationship. He is remorseful about leaving his daughter with her mother, but he didn’t want to take her from her home and has always been there for his daughter.

Alaina: Early 30s. Alaina is the head of Relux Record Label and Recording Studios. She’s s no-nonsense executive with only the company’s bottom line as a priority.

Sonny Beatz: Mid 30s. Sonny is a music producer that lives life to the fullest. He parties with beautiful woman and he’s arrogant and knows his value in the company.

Casey: Late 20sto early 30s . Casey is a nurse working at the public hospital. He’s a dreamer and has never lost faith in the people and their ability to be kind to one another.

Mathew: Late 30s to early 40s. Mathew has run the lounge for years. He knows it’s the ceiling for his career so he exploits anyone he can to make his mid level position better. Some would consider him sleezy, but her would say he’s a survivor.

Santana: Mid 20s. Santana is your typical A&R guy. He’s a slick and a faster talker. He uses his charm to get potential artist to meet with Alaina.

Camilla: Mid 40s. Camilla is an alcoholic. She has an amazing singing voice and was starting a music career when she got pregnant and had a few setbacks. She started drinking to deal with the rejection, but she never stopped drinking and no one would hire or work with her. She became resentful of Phylly because she feels like she could have been famous if it wasn’t for her pregnancy.

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